Registration Instructions

Applying for registration

Applying for registration is a legal process so please complete your application carefully and honestly. Giving false or misleading information may result in your registration being cancelled.

Once you start this form, you will need to finish it all in one go. If you exit out of the form, you will have to start again.

You need to be registered with an annual practising certificate (APC) before you start work

We should be able to approve your application within one week of receiving it if:

  • you’ve fully completed the application and sent us all your documents and fees; and
  • you hold or have met the requirements to be awarded a 2022 BVSc Massey; and
  • you don’t have any fitness for registration issues (see below)

You can’t legally practise until we’ve written to you and confirmed that we’ve approved your application for registration and your APC.

You won’t need to send us your BVSc degree certificate

Massey University tells us who’s eligible to graduate so you don’t need to provide proof that you’ve completed your degree.

Certified documents

You will need to either upload or email certified copies of these documents to [email protected]:

  • a passport sized photograph, certified on the back
  • certified copy of the identification/photograph pages of your passport or your drivers license


Depending on your situation, you may need to send certified copies of other documents. If you do we’ll ask you for them during the online application process.

Certified documents need to:

  • include the name, contact details and address of the certifier
  • be a colour scan of the original document – in 600dpi resolution
  • be readable with all text visible and include security features (seal etc)
  • be in pdf format

These people can certify documents in New Zealand

·A barrister or solicitor of the High Court

·A Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the High or District Court

·The Registrar or a Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court

·The Registrar or a Deputy Registrar of the Court of Appeal

·Some other person authorised by law to administer an oath

·An officer in the service of the Crown, or of a local authority (Regional Council, City Council or District Council) who has been authorised by the Minister of Justice by notice in the Gazette

·A Justice of the Peace

·A notary public

·A Member of Parliament

·An employee of the Land Transport Safety Authority

·An employee of the Public Trust

·A fellow of the former NZ Institute of Legal Executives who is employed by a practising barrister or solicitor of the High Court



If you’re sending us an English translation of any document, please send a certified copy of the translation together with a certified copy of the original document in the original language. You will need to either upload these documents or email them to [email protected]


Change of name

If your name differs from that on your primary veterinary qualification you will either need to:

  • upload a certified copy of your change of name document or email it to [email protected]or
  • if you haven’t legally changed your name, email full details about this to [email protected]


Additional qualifications

If you hold other academic qualifications which are relevant to veterinary practice you can apply to have them included in the Register of Veterinarians. To do this you will need to either upload certified copies of the qualification documents or email them to[email protected]


Fitness for registration

You need to tell us about anything that could affect your fitness to practise as a veterinarian. This includes any health issues, convictions, investigations into conduct or disciplinary findings.


If you answer yes to any of the questions about your fitness for registration you may need to email the Deputy Registrar at [email protected] You may also need to upload documents or email these to the Deputy Registrar.


If you’d like to discuss your fitness for registration feel free to contact the Deputy Registrar by email or phone on 04 473 9600.



You need to pay a one-off registration application fee of$361.00.

  • If you intend practising before 31 March you also need to pay an APC fee of$144.75, so your total fees will be $505.75; or
  • If you’re not planning on practising straight away then you need to pay $18 for a non-practising status on the Register, so your total fees will be $379

You’ll be asked to checkout with PayPal to pay for your application. This will still let you pay with a card and you won't have to use or create a PayPal account unless you want to.

New Graduates who haven’t started practising within a year of graduation

New graduates have particular needs for support and oversight in transitioning to work. If you haven’t started practising as a veterinarian within a year of graduation please contact Despina Arathimos (Deputy Registrar) [email protected]

You will need to renew your APC annually

The practising year runs from 1 April to 31 March each year. You’ll receive an email in late January/early February about renewing your APC or choosing a non practising status, online.

Christmas break

We won’t be processing application over the Christmas break. If you need your application to be processed before the Christmas break please make sure to apply for registration by early December. The office will reopen in early January.